can apply knowledge of Malmö University’s perspectives to issues pertaining to international relations. Making judgments and communication skills After finishing the course, the student: can show the ability to critically reflect upon key issues of contemporary international relations;


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International Relations Malmö universitet. Sammanfattning Malmö universitet Grundnivå (Högskole- och Kandidatexamen etc) Malm ö. 180 hp

Dra nytta av ditt nätverk och ro hem ditt nya jobb. Det läggs upp nya jobb som matchar ’International Relations’ varje dag. International Relations Language: English Date of ratification: 25 August 2017 Decision-making body: Faculty of Culture and Society Enforcement date: 28 August 2017 Replaces Syllabus ratified: 25 … International Migration and Ethnic Relations at Malmö University addresses these issues. Refugees from war-torn regions of the world, people seeking to find jobs and a decent quality of life away from their country of birth, and executives in multinational corporations are all part of migratory movements. International Relations (SGINE revision 3.1) 180 credits Malmö day-time 100%. List of courses for SGINE09h (start autumn 2009) Autumn 2009 - Semester 1.